Monday, July 23, 2007

software quality assurance

Software quality Assurance (SQA) is a planned and systematic approach to ensure that software process and products conforms to the established standards, processes, and procedures. The goals of SQA are to improve software quality by appropriately monitoring both software and the development process to ensure full compliance with the established standards and procedures. The first step to establish an SQA programis to get the top management's agreement on its goal. It then needs to identify SQA issues, to write SQA plan, to establish standards and SQA functions, to implement the SQA plan and to evaluate SQA program. For SQA to be effective, they must have good people and full management support. High quality software product must be able to run correctly and consistently, have few defects (if there are), handle abnormal situation nicely, and need few installation effort. The defects should not affect the normal use of the softwre, will not do any destructive things to system, and rarely be evident to the users. Before deciding what measures to use, it is essential to consider the objectives of the measurement program. If the measures will be used to manage software development, they should be objective, timely available and controllable. On the other hand, if the measures are to support decisions on product acceptance, they must reasonably represent user needs.
Team 1

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